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This is meant for educational purposes (relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic) only. No policy decisions should be taken based on this model. All values are purely representative.

A Model of Epidemic Spread

Through this model, we will try to understand the trajectory of an epidemic in time. Along the way we will also clarify some misconceptions about common observables that tend to be discussed in the news cycle. Here, an observable is a quantity we can easily measure during an epidemic by means of extensive testing.

For a non-mathematical overview feel free to skip straight to the figures and their descriptions!

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numerical_integration as ni
import seaborn as sns; sns.set_style('whitegrid')


Let's start with a population of $N$ people.

We define $R_{0}$ — Basic Reproduction Number — which is the average number of people a single infected individual passes on the pathogen to when the epidemic has just begun. This is the parameter to keep in mind!

Next, we define the cumulative removal rate $\nu$, which is the sum of the recovery and death rate of the disease. Finally, we define $\gamma$ which is the rate of loss of immunity to the disease once removed. In this model, removal means that an individal has either succumbed to or recovered from the disease.

$\beta = R_{0}N/\nu$ is a derived parameter that is proportional to probablity of contact between susceptible and infected individuals in the population.

Parameters: $R_{0}$, $\nu$, $\gamma$

The total time period is $T$ in days and $dt$ is the interval in which the count is updated.

Note that $R_0$ is different from $R_t$ — Effective Reproduction Number — which is the average number of people a single infected individual passes on the disease to at any given instant during the epidemic and is given by

$$R_t = \dfrac{SR_0}{N}$$
R0 = 2 #basic reproduction number
#defining other parameters
T = 100 #T is the total number of days
dt = 1 #dt is the time interval in which the count is updated
N = 1e3 #total number of individuals
c = 0.2 #removal rate
d = 0.0001 #if SIR then d = 0, for SIRS d>0 #rate of loss of immunity post removal

#derived quantities
b = R0*c/N

SIRS Model

The SIRS Model is governed by the following equations:
$$\dot{S} = -\beta I S + \gamma R$$
$$\dot{I} = \beta I S - \nu I$$
$$\dot{R} = \nu I - \gamma R$$

where $S$ is the number of susceptible people, $I$ is the number of infected people and $R$ is the number of removed people in the population.
A trivial conservation law $N = S + I + R$ holds.

SIR Model is the special case when $\gamma = 0$.

Note: For COVID-19 initial results indicate $\gamma$ to be close to 0. We make this assumption in our model.

#defining differential equations
def F(x,y):
    f = -b*y*x + d*(N-(x+y))
    return f

def G(x,y):
    g = b*y*x - c*y
    return g

We need to define initial number of infected individuals. In this case we choose 1% of the population to be infected.

#initial state
I0 = N*1/100 #initial infected individuals
S0 = N - I0 #initial susceptible individuals
S,I,t = ni.eulerFG(F,G,S0,I0,T,dt)
R = N-(S+I)
df = pd.DataFrame({'S':S, 'I':I, 'R':R, 't':t})

The Curve to Flatten

The trajectories of the three variables ($S$, $I$ and $R$) are plotted as a percentage of the total population. All key observables in this notebook are shown in dark orange.

plt.plot(df['t'],df['S']/N*1e2,alpha = 0.8)
plt.plot(df['t'],df['I']/N*1e2,alpha = 0.8)
plt.plot(df['t'],df['R']/N*1e2,alpha = 0.8)
plt.legend(['$Susceptible\ (S)$','$Infected\ (I)$','$Dead/Recovered\ (R)$'])
plt.xlabel('$Days$'); plt.ylabel('$\%Population$')

1. The first obervable — Number of Infected Persons — is a useful way to see the maximum load on the healthcare system. The flatter the curve, the lower the maximum load during an epidemic. If the curve is flattened and elongated, we should expect minimum deaths due to the disease. In the news cycle, this observable is often called Number of Active Cases.

If this observable peaks in an uncontrolled system, the population has acquired herd immunity. This is because after a certain number of people have fallen sick and recovered, there are fewer susceptible people left to infect.

Note that the area under this curve is NOT equal to the cumulative number of cases since the epidemic began. This is because once someone falls sick, they take a certain number of days to recover and hence, if we add up the number of infected people everyday, we will end up double counting many patients.

The Curve to Track

plt.plot(df['t'],(b*df['I']*df['S']-c*df['I'])/N*1e2,alpha = 0.8);
plt.plot(df['t'],(b*df['I']*df['S'])/N*1e2,alpha = 0.8);
plt.plot(df['t'],c*df['I']/N*1e2,alpha = 0.8);
plt.legend(['$dI/dt$', '$Daily\ New\ Cases$', '$Daily\ Deaths\ + \ Daily\ Recoveries$']);
plt.xlabel('$Days$'); plt.ylabel('$Rate\ (\% Population\ per\ day)$');

The rates of infection and removal add up to give us the net rate of change in $I$.

2. Daily New Cases tell us if any interventions have been useful. This is the observable to watch when it comes to policy making. Effective policy should aim to flatten this curve.

The peak in number of infected cases is achieved when $dI/dt = 0$. Notably, this is NOT the same as saying that the number of daily new cases has gone to 0. Therefore, once herd immunity is acquired, cases will continue to grow. This is known as 'overshoot'. This will be clearer when we look at the next observable.

The endgame is pushing this curve to 0.

The Curve to Climb

df['cumulative'] = ni.euler_rate(b*df['I']*df['S'], df['t'], df['I'][0])
plt.plot(df['t'],df['cumulative']/N*1e2, 'darkorange', alpha = 0.8)

plt.plot(df['t'],(np.array(df['cumulative'].loc[df['I']==np.max(df['I'])])*np.ones(np.size(df['t'])))*1e2/N, alpha = 0.6)
plt.xlabel('$Days$'); plt.ylabel('$\%Population$')
plt.legend(['$Cumulative\ Infections$','$Herd-Immunity\ Threshold$'])

plt.plot(df['t'],df['cumulative']/N*1e2, '--', color = 'darkorange', alpha = 0.8)
plt.xlabel('$Days$'); plt.ylabel('$\%Population$')
plt.legend(['$Cumulative\ Infections\ -\ log\ scale$'])

3. The third main observable: cumulative infections over time. This is found by integrating over daily new cases, i.e. by calculating the area under the daily-new-cases curve. Plotting on a log scale tells us which phase of growth the system is in.

Note here that the threshold number of cases required for acquiring herd immunity is lower than the total cumulative number of cases as $t \rightarrow \infty$. This is exactly what we mean by "overshoot"!

Phase Space Analysis

Skip over to the section on $R_{0}$ if a phase-space sounds unfamiliar.

ax_max = N
sp = N/20

plt.xlabel('$S\ (\% Population)$'); plt.ylabel('$I\ (\% Population)$')

y_1 = np.arange(-N/10,ax_max); x_1 = (c/b)*np.ones(np.size(y_1))
y_2 = np.arange(-N/10,ax_max); x_2 = d*(N-y_2)/(b*y_2 + d)
y_2 = y_2[x_2>0]; x_2 = x_2[x_2>0]

plt.plot(x_1/N*1e2,y_1/N*1e2,'-', color = 'seagreen')
plt.plot(x_2/N*1e2,y_2/N*1e2,'-', color = 'indigo')

U,V,X,Y,C = ni.vectorize(F,G,ax_max,sp)
Q = plt.quiver(X/N*1e2,Y/N*1e2,U,V,C,cmap = 'viridis')
plt.ylim(-4, ax_max/N*1e2); plt.xlim(-4,ax_max/N*1e2)
plt.legend(['$I$ - Null Cline', '$S$ - Null Cline'])
plt.colorbar(); sns.set_style('whitegrid')

For an SIR Model as shown above, the system has only one stable state at $I = 0$. This is good news! If reinfection is negligible, the disease WILL disappear.

But this is not the case if reinfection is possible. In SIRS models $(\gamma >> 0)$ a second stable point given by the intersection of the two null clines appears. This implies that the disease could establish itself in the population, i.e. at any given point in time some fraction of people will be sick.

Herd Immunity in SIR Models

To the left of the I-Null Cline, $I$ is always decreasing. This gives us a useful way to picture the idea of herd immunity. If we can bring the value of $S$ down to where the I-Null Cline intersects with the X-axis then $I$, no matter how high it is at that instant, will decline to 0. Now we have a value of $S$ to aim for. Let's call this $S^*$. This means $I^* = N-S^*$ number of people have to fall sick in total for the population to acquire "herd immunity".

A quick derivation shows that the I-Null Cline intersects the X-axis when $S = \nu/\beta$. Therefore $S^* = \nu/\beta$ and $I^* = N - \nu/\beta$.
As a fraction of the population, $$\dfrac{I^*}{N} = 1 - \dfrac{1}{R_0}$$

This value is often called the "Herd Immunity Threshold" — the total fraction of the population needed to fall sick for acquiring herd immunity. As shown before, this threshold can be measured by finding out the number of cumulative infections when the $I$ curve peaks.

$R_0$ — The Control Knob

It is likely that you have come across some discussion about $R_0$ during this pandemic. This is because unlike other parameters $\nu$ and $\gamma$, it can be controlled easily by us as a society. So what can we do by lowering $R_0$ i.e. by "flattening the curve"?

  1. Reduce Maximum Healthcare Load i.e. the maximum number of patients who will be ill on any given day during the pandemic.
  2. Reduce the Herd-Immunity Threshold i.e. the total number of people who have to fall ill since the pandemic began to achieve herd immunity.
  3. Reduce the Burden of the Disease i.e the total number of people who will fall sick during the pandemic.

As a simple demonstration, we will plot the three variables given above against $R_0$.

r0 = np.arange(1.1,5,0.1)
L = np.zeros(np.size(r0))
Hth = np.zeros(np.size(r0))
Tinf = np.zeros(np.size(r0))
for i, R0 in enumerate(r0):
    b = R0*c/N
    S,I,t = ni.eulerFG(F,G,S0,I0,10*T,dt)
    R = N-(S+I)
    cum = ni.euler_rate(b*I*S, t, I[0])
    L[i] = np.max(I)/N*1e2
    Hth[i] = np.array(cum[I==np.max(I)])/N*1e2
    Tinf[i] = np.max(R)/N*1e2
plt.plot(r0,(1-(1/r0))*100,alpha = 0.5);
plt.legend(['$Healthcare\ Load$', '$Herd-Immunity\ Threshold$', '$Total\ Infections$','$1-1/R_0$'])
plt.xlabel('$R_0$'); plt.ylabel('$\%Population$');

If you update the count at shorter and shorter intervals (say 10 times a day), the measured Herd-Immunity Threshold gets closer and closer to the theoretical value $1-1/R_0$.

Flattening the curve implies that we reduce the total number of people who end up getting the disease, we reduce the load on the healthcare system AND we reduce the threshold required for us to attain herd immunity.